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Seven-month-old Lurcher puppy Peaches came from a very loving home but after finding out they were expecting a baby, his owners were worried about Peaches jumping up at the mum-to-be.

Unfortunately, things weren’t working out as they’d hoped and they were struggling to cope with his boundless energy. With a heavy heart, his owners decided to rehome him with Woodgreen, entrusting us to find him a family who could give him everything he needed.

He was such a worried boy and didn’t want to say hello to anyone at first. Given his age, we wanted Peaches to go straight to a foster home where he could get socialised. It was important for him to experience new things and meet other dogs and people.

Luckily, Sophie in our Dogs team had a soft spot for Lurchers and was more than happy to take Peaches home. She had lots of experience too, having fostered 50 dogs during her time working at Woodgreen.

“Lurcher puppies are incredible and such good fun, so when I saw Peaches I thought yep, that one’s coming home. He was so sweet and nervous, but then once I got him home, he turned into a nutter, which was lovely to see."

Sophie, dog handler and Peaches' fosterer

Sophie cared for dogs all day but still managed to find so much time to dedicate to Peaches

Peaches learnt a lot from Sophie’s dog Pumba, he was a great role model and they got on like a house on fire. They would follow each other around, share toys and go on walks together. Peaches loved his walks and Sophie took him everywhere so he could meet other dogs, have a run around the park and experience the hustle and bustle. This did wonders for his confidence too.

However, Sophie was in for quite a challenge with Peaches, especially at the stage of life he was in. A typical puppy, Peaches had so much energy that he would start taking it out on Sophie and nip at her arms. To help him get rid of all this energy she gave him plenty of toys to chew on instead and games like puzzle feeders to keep him busy. After a massive burst of energy, Peaches would flop on the sofa and sleep for the rest of the day.

No one wanted to take on this lively Lurcher

Peaches needed to go to a home where he could get plenty of exercise as well as lots of quality time on the sofa. Our Rehoming team were looking for someone who could help him cope with his worries and grow into a confident canine.

A rocky start for Peaches in The Meeting Pen

After three unsuccessful meetings with potential owners, our whole team were rooting for Peaches and hoped it would be fourth time lucky on The Dog House.

First up to meet Peaches was the Reed family who enjoyed some cuddles with him. Unfortunately, Peaches got a bit too overexcited and accidentally bumped heads with their daughter, Ramona. After that, the family agreed that Peaches might be a bit too jumpy for them.

At this point, things were looking bleak for poor old Peaches until along came Mental health nurse Cat, who was looking for a dog that might have been overlooked and misunderstood. Our Rehoming team’s thoughts immediately went to the unluckiest, lankiest dog at Woodgreen and we crossed all our fingers.

“Peaches is one of the unluckiest foster dogs I’ve ever had – he's met so many people and hasn’t been picked.”

Sophie, dog handler and Peaches' fosterer

Fourth time's a charm?

After hearing all about Peaches, Cat was very excited to meet him. But before their meeting it was Peaches handler and fosterer Sophie who gave Peaches a pep talk before making his entrance.

As soon as he walked in, it was clear how upset he was as he started to cry at the door for Sophie. Eventually, Peaches stopped crying and slowly made his way over for a cuddle and some licks. It was the moment Cat had been patiently waiting for. And after a bit of playtime, she could start to see his affectionate personality shine through and decided to adopt him!

“He’s settled in really well and I think he knows this is home now. He can be a bit much, but he’s my bit too much!”

Cat, Peaches' new owner

Please donate today

We’re so pleased this series of The Dog House ended so happily for our unluckiest pup – but there are so many more dogs just like Peaches who need us.


£45 could cover the cost of x-rays to make sure pets like Dennis receive the right treatment.


£8 a month could pay for a pet's essential first vaccinations before they're rehomed.

Meet more of our Dog House stars

Go behind the scenes to learn their stories and why they came to Woodgreen. Learn about how we helped them and whether they found their match on the show.

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